Sunday, December 24, 2006

more doodle stuff!

Cat and Girl!

(and a puppy)

More doodles from a class!

Fancy anteater and a bumblecat!

I think I must've drawn this stuff around halloween.

a bunch of old doodles

A seriously crabby pug.
Doodles gone awry!
More of the same.
The only important thing here is astrofrog.

I was bored a lot in one of my classes, obviously.

the factory

Sometimes I feel like color is my arch-nemesis. I must have spent half a day trying to get this thing to look OKAY.

apprehensive adventures in the jungle!

I spent a lot more time on this picture than I usually do (which will become readily apparent with the next few posts, I'm sure). Anyway, this fella is Remish! Terrible things happen to him on a regular basis because he is the subject of a terrible injoke between myself and my terrible friends.