I bought some new pens this weekend. WELCOME TO CROSSHATCHING CITY (POPULATION: ME) I want to make a habit of dating more drawings (but most of th etime I forget) Pigs in sweaters REDUX Okay, that's all for now.
Ian and I were trying to draw Betty Boop from memory (and failing) I like monsters! I don't know if anyone's noticed yet! wizards and animals with substance abuse problems. Oh, for shame!
More doodles from the toronto trip. The creepy head at the top started out as an attempt at drawing my friend Sam, but it turned... well, horrible. Pigs! And chimeric critters. I'm just going to leave this one a mystery!
More pictures from the same trip mentioned in the last post. The Royal Ontario Museum is pretty awesome and has an unspeakable number of prehistoric animal skeletons on display. Drawn on New Year's Eve at an all-you-can-eat sushi place. DRAWN AT A DIVE BAR (with excellent perogis)
I like photoshop's brushes. That's basically what we're getting at here. Color study with a creepy goblin thing.. I sampled the colors from a photograph and tried to apply the same lighting to this guy. I've been drawing a lot of cute animals lately! WHAT HAS COME OVER ME